Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The town that fooled the British

Saint Michaels, Maryland. This is where Anne's folks, Chandler and Edith live, on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake. An historic small town with rippled brick walkways that connect the neighborhood charm. They foiled the Brits plans by hanging lanterns in the trees so the cannonballs overshot the actual houses during a night attack.
There is a wonderful Maritime Museum, a crab house out over the water you can motor (yes, in a boat) up to in the town harbor. Chan & Edie's house sit on a small channel, with it's own dock and davits for lowering the mahogany speedboat "Sputnik" into the water. This is a sailing family though, with several different small craft and most everybody knows how to use them.
Welcome to the family center. We (now 20) have been meeting at either July 4 or Xmas for the fifteen years that Anne and I have been married. And we're at it again, with everybody rolling in over the weekend.
We plan on having a very merry Christmas, and wish you good health and Light for you and your families.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz - thanks for sharing your travels. I was wondering how you were going to survive the winter in Grand Marais - and now I know. Sounds like you are having a ball - keep the news coming. Have a wonderful Christmas. Love, Sher

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Chris & Anne!

Bob and Eleanor will be down joining us for Christmas eve dinner.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Chris & Anne.

It is so warm on the North Shore you could be sailing on Superior!! Miss you. Barb and John

Anonymous said...

so Paul and I realized that this is probably the first holiday season that we have not spent time with you all and WE MISS YOU. We are having a really sweet family time...and thinking of all of you.
With so much love, Janet and Paul

Anonymous said...

Hi to you both,

Sox sends her greetings. She has made a heartwarming adjustment to our home. It feels very good to have her here.

She has learned to be a mama, of sorts. I don't know whether I told you that our old male cat, Bogie, died 6 weeks after Sox moved in. They got along very well. Then our daughter, Laurey, had a very young and very pregnant cat insist that she was going to have her kittens at L's one room place. Long story short - we have 2 of the 5 kittens here now. Sox was not happy at first because they are both female. But now they all sleep together and she holds them down and licks them. Hisses and gently swats when she doesn't want to be bothered. It is a lot of fun.

We had a sweet Christmas with the grandchildren. May you have a very special 2006. It sounds like you are having a great time.

Love, Nancy