See Aunt Wendy in the pretty red jacket. See Rex the Wonder Dog in white and Bull, in brown. That's one of the family herd of artisanal beef cows. Actually the name is Bull Run or, technically, First Bull Run. Or, if you're north of the Mason Dixon line, First Manassas. Get where this is going? Yes, yes, they're named after civil war battles! Many battles were named differently on both sides. You might spy Chantilly, one of other calves (there are three now, and more on the way....to fill out the list of battles of course). We say beef "cows" because the herd is all impregnated cows, with the male calves sent off after a year to be fattened for.....
All this at Charlie & Wendy's 93 acre farm in Virginia. They live in DC and have a wonderful couple who take care of the property and the herd, living in a space above the barn. The farm "house" is a lovely renovated building, in the Tuscan/Appalachian style, with a fabulous pool. So, a few of us went out for the night, tucking into turkey leftovers and various libations. Back to DC and on to St. Michaels.
1 comment:
Hi Anne - Your photos make me miss winter. We're celebrating in Claifornai this year so I won't get my dose of winter fun! Quick question - how do I get a card to you? Should I send it to your folks? I don't have their address.
Thansk! Tobi
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