Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Downtown Grand Marais!

Good morning! Welcome to Tom Eckels fishhouse. Right behind the Angry Trout Cafe (now closed for the season along with many business'). You wanna fish sandwich? Come on in! And yes, that's herring "caviar" in the bucket.
Things are winding down for us as we finish the last few chores around the cabin before we leave next Thursday the 17th. We head for 3 stops in Michigan visiting family on both sides and then to Washington for Thanksgiving with most of our close family. We will be in St. Michaels, Maryland with Anne's folks until Feb. 1 when we fly to Puerto Escondido, Mexico.
Blog posts may be a little more sporadic as we move around. And the camera seems to be acting up a little. We've already had the new Powerbook laptop go back to the factory under warranty. A ghost in every machine it seems. Next post from me should have some shots of the trio in the tavern. We're there this Fri. and Sat. for the fourth time this fall.


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