Saturday, February 25, 2006


We have visited a bunch of churches over the years, Christian and otherwise, but our trek into the "country" from "town" the other day takes the cake. We spent a good hour with a very knowledgable guide walking up one "road" just taking it all in as he told us about the local idigenous people.
It is notable to mention here that no photos may be taken of the people themselves, and that coincidentally we cannot find any WiFi signal to upload what photos we do have. We will post some at some point in the future.
Of course you hear about all the incredible churches of Mexico, of all sizes and shapes, but the bright sunlight leaves you quite blind as you walk into this (one and only) church in Chamula. It is an old Spanish church on the outside so you are umprepared for what you see when your eyes adjust. First, the light of THOUSANDS of candles...on the floor. No pews. The entire, rather dark interior quite smoky with incense. Ancient banners hang from the ceiling, and after a moment, you hear a low chanting sound of prayer. Many families are on the floor (covered with fresh pine needles), with their candles, rum, coca-cola (as holy water) and maybe a chicken to have it´s neck rung in the ceremony. You walk around in quiet awe, and you see the vestiges of the Catholic church, pushed off to line the walls with. The many saints in their wood and glass boxes symbolize other deities now. The priest comes to town in once in awhile for baptisms but otherwise....
I could go on with details but I think I´ll stop here. Anne and I were in tears more than once later in the day.
Yesterday I had a fever and though I felt better today, I´m still not quite right this evening. We have cancelled a 4 hour bus ride (in a van with no bathroom)for tomorrow and hope to maybe do it on my birthday on Monday.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Were those tears of joy or tears of fear? Cultural differences can be fascinating. Thanks for sharing your travels with us - keep the stories (and pictures)coming...SGF (NV)