Wednesday, March 29, 2006


We decided to make a quick dash on the bus yesterday over to this small university town nearby. Although we didn't trek up into the hills, this is where some of the most productive silver mines in the world were. A lot of silver. And all the Euros that pocketed that plata built a very cool town here. Lots of German and Italian architecture that was quite lovely to look at.
We went to Diego Riveras birthplace and saw a very diverse collection of work, (no fotos please) and another museum with the mask collection you see a couple of samples of.
The flan on Annie's plate with lunch was almost as good as the culinary art that accompanied it!
I could just go on and on here, and as usual, the history is slithering all around your feet. We've read some fabulous books to fill in the details ( including a wonderful interpretation of Alexander Von Humboldt's "Cosmos", written by a local author) and's just more than a BLOG CAN HOLD! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Moctezuma! Thank you Malinche!
Who has even heard of Malinche? I'm quite sure my wife will tell you.

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